PHD studies with PhytlSigns
How did you arrive at Agroscope Changins? It is quite a funny story actually.
How did you arrive at Agroscope Changins? It is quite a funny story actually.
Photo credit: Margrete Lodahl Rolighed. Last week we had the pleasure to chat with Raune Frankjaer...
Working in a start-up can be very hectic. There is a risk that social and ethical values can be...
Het bestuderen en onderzoeken van landbouw is momenteel hot, en zal alleen maar hotter worden...
When my school proposed a project with Vivent as part of the market gardening course at HEPIA...
Studying and researching agriculture is hot right now, and only going to become more so as we get...
L'étude et la recherche dans le domaine de l'agriculture sont actuellement de tendence et le seront...
La science des plantes est la science qui nous aidera à maintenir le monde naturel qui nous...
Plant biology is the science at the heart of maintaining the world around us, our future depends on...
The Wageningen ACT A few weeks ago we let you know that we had embarked on several student...