Marina Martin Curran

Marina started her career in international development specialising in monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment of animal health programmes. She has worked as a consultant since 2001 in areas relating to sustainability: environmental reporting, training and lecturing, and assessing community investments for corporate clients. She holds a PhD from the University of Edinburgh, where she investigated the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance. Since 2008, she has carried out contracts for WWF, The Economist, the University of Geneva (arctic tourism), and lectured at HTW Chur, International University in Geneva, SUMAS and Business School of Lausanne in CSR and sustainability. Marina has worked for start-ups in the green energy and textile sectors.


Norm Janssen's GreenTech Update

Q. Hi Norm, tell us a bit about yourself. A. I’m a resident of Calgary and have had a long...

February 7th, 2022|

Manger de saison: le cardon

Lorsque vous pensez à un repas de Noël, pensez-vous aux légumes ? Ce n’est certainement pas la...

December 21st, 2021|

Christmas meals: eating local and seasonal

When you think of a Christmas meal, do you think of vegetables? It certainly isn’t the most...

December 15th, 2021|

Carbon and cucumbers: solving the conundrum on growing more with less

Between the dramatic rises in gas prices in the last year and the need to cut emissions to curb...

November 17th, 2021|

Life Cycle Analysis - Part 1 - How to Survive an LCA

As part of our commitment to our mission (improve the health of people, plants and biomes) and to...

October 15th, 2021|

Cannabis production in Switzerland set to soar

A few years ago, as I was driving through the Swiss countryside I was surprised to smell the...

September 6th, 2021|

IPCC Report: Why adaptation and mitigation matter

On 9th August, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) released its Sixth Assessment...

August 27th, 2021|

High performance in the office: interview with Jose Ojeda

Working in a start-up can be very hectic. There is a risk that social and ethical values can be...

July 22nd, 2021|

10 manieren waarop PhytlSigns landbouwonderzoek en -onderwijs ondersteunt

Het bestuderen en onderzoeken van landbouw is momenteel hot, en zal alleen maar hotter worden...

July 16th, 2021|

Plant electrophysiology: an interview with Andrzej Kurenda

Vivent’s Chief Scientific Officer Andrzej Kurenda has been fascinated by plants since he was a...

July 8th, 2021|