Marina Martin Curran

Marina started her career in international development specialising in monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment of animal health programmes. She has worked as a consultant since 2001 in areas relating to sustainability: environmental reporting, training and lecturing, and assessing community investments for corporate clients. She holds a PhD from the University of Edinburgh, where she investigated the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance. Since 2008, she has carried out contracts for WWF, The Economist, the University of Geneva (arctic tourism), and lectured at HTW Chur, International University in Geneva, SUMAS and Business School of Lausanne in CSR and sustainability. Marina has worked for start-ups in the green energy and textile sectors.


10 façons de soutenir la recherche et l'enseignement agricole

L'étude et la recherche dans le domaine de l'agriculture sont actuellement de tendence et le seront...

juin 10th, 2021|